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Pregnancy is a testament of what the body can accomplish. A complex dance of every system to create a brand new life.


The herbs we have chosen combine to create a blend high in essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, D, E, B as well as K, which helps prevent postpartum hemorrhage. First focusing on digestion by boosting the appetite, easing constipation and reducing nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy, digestion also slows down to allow the baby to absorb nutrients but that can also lead to bloating and gas. Carminative herbs help neutralize this problem of bloating by easing the natural flow of flatulence. Anti Inflammatory herbs help with inflammation of joints and swelling, as well as any pain that you suffer during pregnancy, especially abdominal, lower back, headaches and leg cramping. An increase in blood circulation helps reduce any blood clots as well as ensures adequate blood supply to you and your unborn baby. Nervines and sedative herbs help promote calm and reduce tension. Immune boosting properties to help fight against common cold, minor ailments and persistent cough. Your immune system gets sluggish when you are pregnant, making you vulnerable to these minor ailments. Pregnancy creates an extra load for your liver and kidneys so we’ve included diuretic herbs that help to flush excess water from the body, reestablishes hydration and electrolyte balance as well as herbs that help to remove toxins and maintain proper flow of bile.


Taking this blend all the way through labor, we have included herbs that strengthen the uterine wall, relaxing smooth muscle to help make delivery easier and speedier by allowing the uterus to contract more efficiently.


Drink Daily as needed.






** Use cautiously if allergic to other members of the daisy family, including ragweed, aster, and chrysanthemum, Gallstones, liver disease or obstruction of the bile ducts, Have high fever, Have hypertension, Stomach ulcer or gastritis


**Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing, allergic to any of the ingredients, or taking any medications without first consulting your physician.


** These statements have not been FDA approved. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

Pregnancy Herbal Tea

    • Alfalfa Leaf
    • Chamomile Flower
    • Dandelion Leaf
    • Dandelion Root
    • Ginger Root
    • Nettle Leaf
    • Oat Straw
    • Peppermint Leaf
    • Raspberry Leaf
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